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Question: Is it okay that I don't have any insurance experience?

Answer: Absolutely! Our step by step blueprint system makes it easy to follow whether you are experienced or not! 


Question: When can I start building an agency?

Answer: Day one! You can start hiring people to become business partners immediately by talking to colleagues, friends, family or by posting ads for people to respond looking for a career change. 


Question: What is a lead program?

Answer: Our lead program is designed to give agents access to people that have expressed interest in our products and programs. They have expressed interest by either mailing back the letter we sent or calling the number we provided.


Question: Am I required to buy leads?

Answer: No. Our leads are a resource, not a requirement but it keeps you from having to cold call or scare friends and relatives off trying to sell them a policy! 


Question: How much do the leads cost?

Answer: They range from free up to $27.50 each ($.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, etc.)


Question: What is the average sale?

Answer: The average sale is approximately $1,000 and a new agent would make 60% = $600


Question: How often are we paid?

Answer: Daily - the average is between 24-48 hours of when the policy is approved 


Question: Where do I work from?

Answer: Your home office - we work remotely and are not required to clock in anywhere


Question: Can I start part time?

Answer: Yes! Most agents start part time then transition into a full time position. However, you are not required to do either. It is up to you!


Question: Is this commission only?

Answer: Yes


Question: Are there bonuses?

Answer: Yes - we can earn bonuses on the monthly policies we write, the monthly volume your agency produces and the volume the entire company places which are paid MONTHLY!


Question: How often and what criteria can I earn pay raises?

Answer: Every two months. You can earn pay raises by your own submitted business (policies that get approved) and also includes what your team submits. You start at 60% and you can move all the way up to 110%. 


Question: Am I required to have a license?

Answer: Yes -  The cost is approximately $250 depending on what state you live in. A life and Health License is required and it takes about a week to two weeks to acquire. We pay for a portion of the cost and guide you through the entire process. 


Question: Am I assigned a territory?

Answer: No. You can pick the county you want to work in and you can work ANYWHERE in the United States!


Question: Who is here to help me start and succeed at running my business?

Answer: You will have several experienced Agency Owners to help guide you through each and every process along with a proven system that has helped countless people grow successful businesses here. 


Question: Who would I be working for?

Answer: Yourself. You are CEO of your business day one!


Question: Is this a multi-level marketing business?

Answer: No. We help you make money, we do not make a dime until we help you make a dollar so we have a VESTED interest in helping you earn an income. 

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